HOTTEST!The blockchain is one of the most fundamental inventions in the history of computer science
BlockChain by Xu Mingxing The blockchain is one of the most fundamental inventions in the history of computer science First comic version around world! 9787508677507|324p|59.00|2017.7| Korean, Traditional Chinese edition sold on the option: Ramdom House spain,Russia,Indonesia PUBLISHING WEEKLY: Chinese Blockchain Book Draws Interest Blockchain: An Illustrated Guidebook to Understanding Blockchain by Xu Mingxing, The author is the chairman of the China Blockchain Research Center and the book, about the technology which allows a user to track transactions (such as those made in a digital currency like Bitcoin), features over 200 original comics. A light and fun reading about BlockChain for everyone with 200 original comics. A light and fun reading about BlockChain for everyone with 200 original comics. BlockChain is easy to understand, but the experts always explain it in a complicated way! This book uses stories, comics, and diagram...