Empire of Silver: A New History of Chinese Currency by Xu Jin

Empire of Silver: A New History of Chinese Currency by Xu Jin

Pub. Date: Feb., 2017
Paperback, 333 pages
ISBN: 9787508670621
20,000 copies sold
All rights available

This is the story of silver in China from the tenth to the twentieth centuries. It compares the history of money in China and the west, and reveals the silver thread which runs through China’s past, and which is linked to the rise and fall of dynasties and of Chinese civilization itself.

The story of money is crucial to the understanding human society. In beautiful prose, the author of Empire of Silver blends colorful references from novels and plays with academic research to create a rich picture of traditional China over a thousand years, from the invention of paper money during the astonishingly inventive Song dynasty, to the insane hyperinflation of the mid twentieth century. In fascinating comparisons between the history of money in China and the west, the author explains how silver became the ‘white blood’ of China, and places silver in the context of today’s major global debates about China, such as the ‘Great Divergence’ of China and the west, when the west developed industrial power and China fell behind. 

About the author
Xu Jin, is senior editor and chief financial commentator at the Financial Times FT Chinese. Based in Shanghai, she has covered China's economy for more than a decade, and her FT column draws millions of page views and is quoted widely in China and overseas. She has published seven books in recent years, including Keynes’s China GatheringEmpire of Silver, and The Money Makers. Her titles are listed in China’s Ten Best Books as selected by finance professionals, and the 100 most-want-to-read books on Kindle.

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